growing out the pixie {20 Weeks}
Update {at} 0 weeks
Update {at} 4 weeks
Update {at} 8 weeks
Update {at} 12 weeks
Update {at} 16 weeks
Update {at} 28 weeks
Update {at} 36 weeks
Update {at} 44 weeks
It is definitely hard to believe that I am at 20 weeks of growing this bad boy out. That is half-way to full term if this was a babe in my belly. It’s also hard to believe that it wasn’t even a year ago that I made the chop in the first place. I keep thinking that in 6 more months when I haven’t made a ton of progress that I will decide to just chop it again – I am really hoping I don’t. I want to make this growth worth it.
Anyways, the pixie is doing great. I had Mike trim my mullet before I took these pictures, but I’m sorta wishing I had snapped a few before he cut it so you could see how long the back was getting. My hair is definitely growing, we just aren’t at a place where you can see the growth all over my head (at least I don’t think so).
I am able to use my straightener more consistently now without risking burning my fingers or scalp so that’s a great sign. I have also moved away from the hair paste because it just doesn’t look great styled that way when my hair is this long. Oh and sometimes I’ll tuck my side burns behind my ears – they might need a trim soon!
April 21, 2014 @ 12:33 PM
grow pixie, grow!!!!!!!!!!!
February 8, 2015 @ 7:27 PM
Hey Hun Thankyou file the reply on your final pic
It’s just below my ears now.
it looks great at every stage! Is your hair thick or did you find you had to straighten it slot while it grew out so it wasn’t so poofy?
I have thick hair and have to straighten it
February 9, 2015 @ 9:45 AM
My hair is kinda thick? But it has a very very slight wave to it which makes it seem really thick. So I did have to straighten while it grew to get rid of the poof. Yay for just below the ears! It’ll be at your chin before you know it!
February 8, 2015 @ 7:28 PM
I meant *for the reply
Autocorrec! Grrr