Mike’s Graduation

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement and fear and overwhelming emotions. It would have been so easy to overlook Mike finishing his college degree with Christmas, moving, birthdays, and new jobs. So, in October I started working on a graduation announcement in an attempt to not let his accomplishment get overlooked.

I also learned that the convenience of graduating, moving, and starting a new job is that you can do a three in one! So, here is our graduation, new job, and moving announcement we sent out last week!

Mike's Grad Announcement No address

Mike doesn’t actually graduate until May, but he finished classes in December and is officially working a full-time job so he deserves a HUGE celebration.

Also, if you want one of these little guys in your mailbox? I have approximately 55 extras that need homes so comment with your email address and we’ll be in touch. (insert thumbs up emoji here)

Happy Wednesday!
Love, KJ

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Love, The Jaderstons
