Is This Thing On?
Hello? Is this thing on? I don’t even know where to begin (or honestly how this thing works anymore – what happened to the wordpress I used to know?)

I posted a year ago (ish) about having another baby, sweet Lois Ember. Since that post we’ve…
Sold our first home.
Bought and remodeled (lightly) our second home.
Celebrated Dwayne turning 3!
Moved with a 3 month old and 3 year old.
Celebrated our 7th anniversary
Accomplished another #marathonmonthofministry by the grace of God – with a 3 year old and 4 month old in tow
Celebrated Dwayne starting preschool
(Mike) started another year in seminary
(Kelsey) turned 30!
Celebrated our first Christmas as a family of 4
Said goodbye to my sweet Grandma and Lois’ namesake
(Mike) turned 29!
Survived another retreat season (as of yesterday afternoon)
And here we are about to celebrate the first birthday of the sweetest little girl we’ve ever known.
I joked with Mike just last night that Lois was born sunny-side up and she’s been sunny-side up ever since. She is our little ray of sunshine.
There are so many things I’d love to share here, but I don’t know if and when I’ll have the time. We’ve done so many fun projects in this house and have so many more to go. I’d love to share and I know a few of you would love to see them.
But until then, if then ever comes, here is the update..

A lot has happened. God is still good and has provided for us in ways we couldn’t imagine. He’s in the details. The details of our move, the details of our kids, the details of our life. It’s sweeter than I could have ever imagined and also harder than I could have ever dreamed.

I think I always used to end these posts with “Happy Day”

Happy Day, Indeed.