Thankfulness {lately}

If you follow me on the instagram you might have noticed a “Thankful” theme. Yep it’s a real thing. I’m attempting to recognize one thing I’m grateful for each day. It makes me happier throughout the day and it helps me to realize more consistently how wonderful this life really is. I don’t want to just repeat those thankfuls but don’t be surprised if a few of them show up here as well.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice and a new juicer


Who wouldn’t be thankful for this little guy…IMG_1483

Kansas Sunsets.. They never ever get old.


My first bike ride of the year and feeling so overwhelmingly refreshed


Our First Valentine’s as a married couple – we went to a basketball game and had pizza at home


What are you thankful for lately?
I’m off to eat girl scout cookies and clean house!
Until next time,
The Jaderstons

Love, The Jaderstons
