Social Media Fast
Our marathon month of ministry has come to an end. We’ve officially been back at real life for a week and I still feel like our house has been hit by a tornado which is truly unfortunate because the best dog sitter in the world deep cleaned everything. For example: the inside of our trash cart was cleaned. It had crossed my mind to spray it out before we left but that obviously didn’t happen. She’s seriously amazing. But we cluttered up the house in no time flat and it hurts my eyes to even look around.
Our boy has adjusted back to real life really well. He’s been sleeping through the night again (insert all the praise hands) and has been rocking at independent play.
The overstimulation of camp and campers is real but Dwayne knows how to wind down. I found him yesterday laying on his back on the nursery rug just “reading” a book.
For me, it’s been hard to come back to reality.
Some moments I am completely fine and other moments have me filled with anxiety.anxiety.anxiety. It completely shuts me down. Simple tasks become mountains and it’s a victory just starting a load of laundry. My list of things I want/need to complete feels like a novel which in turn causes me to complete nothing.
It’s crippling.
And very unhealthy.
So this morning when I woke up (at 8:50 – THANKS DWAYNE!!) I decided that something needs to change and it needs to be drastic. I want to refocus on real life: on creating a space for my family to find rest; on finding and making the time for Jesus; on taking care of myself and my body by feeding it with real and healthy food; on the balance that is working and being a mom and being a wife. And in order for me to do that right now, I think, is to rid my life of the need to check instagram and snapchat and facebook. I say I don’t have time to grocery shop or meal plan or clean etc etc etc. But I have time to watch every single instagram story and to stay completely caught up with my feed… I can’t even think about how much time I waste trying to stay up to date with other peoples (read: strangers) lives.
So I’m deleted the apps from my phone for a week. Starting small. But hoping for big change. For a refocus of huge proportions.
Even writing that down I am worried about all the things I’ll miss. FOMO on strangers day to day “perfectly curated” lives? Do you see the problem yet?
I’ll keep you updated on how this goes. I assume that only good things can come from it.
Being present in my life, for my son, for my husband. Only good things can come from that right?
I’m praying that the Lord does a work in my heart and removes that longing to be “connected” at all times.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings and thoughts on this Saturday morning. Wish me luck!
Happy day!
August 12, 2017 @ 12:30 PM
Thanks for the praises Kelsey. Happy to help?. Lifting you up in prayer! You got this! Here if I can do anything.
August 12, 2017 @ 3:21 PM
Beautifully said, Kelsey! You said it right… It’s FOMO! I have backed way off for a couple of months and somehow my life feels less cluttered and more calm. I wish I didn’t compare myself, but I think it’s human nature when were inundated with it 24 seven. Your generation, especially is constantly bombarded with information even if it’s all good! Keep up the good work and keep listening to the Lord and His Word! He is speaking clearly to you and you are listening. you’re such a good wife and mama! Love you
August 12, 2017 @ 4:05 PM
Less cluttered and more calm. That is exactly what I am seeking! Love you!
August 12, 2017 @ 11:42 PM
Oh Kelsey do I know how dealing with anxiety can cause issues in your life. I deal with it on a daily basis. Being a mom of two kiddos is very challenging some days. Sometimes I need to walk away for a few minutes because I feel like I’m going to lose it. I often think I’m the only one who deals with this. I pray to God everyday please let me be patient today. Good luck Kelsey. Hugs.
August 18, 2017 @ 1:29 PM
You’re definitely not alone Lora! It’s so hard to handle sometimes. Thanks for the love!
August 13, 2017 @ 6:51 AM
“Insert all the praise hands”!!! Lololol. I think this is an excellent idea and I know my heart needs a re-check too. There are so many mornings I blow 20 min on Instagram before even getting out of bed. Embarrassing! And even after quite time with God, my apps are second on my morning checklist (hence, how I found your blog post!!) ahhh! So good luck to you and thank you for the inspiration!! Keep us updated! ?
August 18, 2017 @ 1:28 PM
It has definitely been a “re-check” of overwhelming proportions! I’m 6 days in and I still find myself wanting to sit down and check the feeds before I do anything else. I’m trying to type out an update post now but I think I need like 3 more weeks before I actually change my bad habit haha! Learning so much and recommend this challenge to ALL THE PEOPLE because it’s SO GOOD