Jaderston Baby: 24-25 Weeks!


How far along: 24 and 25 weeks! I am doing a two week update this time because with the holidays I took some time off the blog.

How big is baby: About the size of Cauliflower… 13.6 inches long and weighs 1.5 lbs – 2.5 lbs.

Gender: It’s a BOY! We love referring to him as a he. It’s exciting every single time.

Movement: Lots and lots of movement. It is so fun to feel him move and I love it even more when Mike gets to feel it too.

Sleep: Sleeping great! I am most comfortable when I’m sleeping on my side (my normal sleeping position) but I wake up on my back every once in awhile too. It is still very painful to roll over in bed and get out of bed but I always fall right back asleep and rarely have to get up to use the bathroom.

Symptoms: Pelvic pain, lower back pain, congestion, and out of breath when I’m doing nothing. Pregnancy does weird things to your body…

Cravings/Aversions: Still avoiding chicken but almost everything else sounds good. I made a delicious salmon salad last night and I think it will go into my regular meal rotation. I’m trying hard to not eat as much fast food which means I need to cook for myself and be more prepared with food when I go to work. I am definitely out of a good routine.

Maternity clothes: Yes and no. I am mixing and matching.

Workouts: Pelvic pain makes moving around/walking around/being on my feet nearly impossible. So no workouts. Taking it easy at all times. BUT I saw the physical therapist yesterday and she adjusted my back and gave me a pregnancy support belt that should help my lower back. She was hopeful that walking will be more manageable soon. Working out probably won’t be in the cards for me throughout this pregnancy but I am happy to find some pain management to try. I have lots of exercises and stretches in my future and even more resting and relaxing.

Nursery: Still no progress… my mom did give me a Land of Nod catalog when we were in Arizona last week and challenged me to start dreaming… So dreaming I will do!

Mike: He is excitedly/nervously starting his first seminary course this week. I am so proud of him and all the things he balances in life. He loves feeling the baby move and he always reacts to the bump now when I walk into the room and says hello to the boy. He takes such good care of me and is always asking if I need anything or need help around the house. Lots of house chores have gone on the back burner with my pain and he has been more than willing to pick up the slack even with all the things on his plate.

Missing anything: Being active but I am hopeful that the exercises and belt from the physical therapist will make simple trips to the store more manageable.

Best part of the week: Our trip to Arizona was so refreshing and ringing in the New Year with Mike is always special. It was crazy to wake up on January 1st, 2016 and realize that this year we will become parents.

Looking forward to most: More physical therapy! Anything to get me moving comfortably again.

Worries/Concerns: None! We are so grateful for a healthy baby. All the pain and frustration will be so worth it.

4-17 weeks

Announcement | 15 weeks  | 16 weeks | 17 weeks

18-23 weeks

18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks | 21 weeks | 22 weeks | 23 weeks

24-25 weeks

Love, The Jaderstons
