ZONA {recap.three}

Well, like I promised I’m here to talk about Arizona for a third time. This time with a few photos, a few funny stories, and the wrap up of all things adventure.

First things first, meet Gracie… (and Christina and Katelyn)IMG_2128
The previous picture seems like we were all having a great time – which we were. You see, this was the beginning of our Nertz game. Key word: beginning. Something else that is probably worth mentioning is that a few of my fellow BRATZ (myself included) are a little bit competitive. Nertz is a card game. It is very similar to Solitaire except it’s different and it is all about speed and getting the most points.IMG_2147IMG_2149IMG_2169

Ok, so now to the good part. There were a few people that stood above the rest of us when it came to points and in the interest of making the game fair for all parties we made up a new rule for Nertz. We decided, as the majority, that whoever has the most points each round must serve the consequences of being better than everyone else. Therefore, that person (usually Katelyn) had to start their round about 20 feet away from the table and run to their position when we said go. It was so much fun and also helped those winners to burn off some of the cream cheese we had consumed throughout the week. Good times.

On the last evening we all wrote thank you notes to my parents and we bought some sparkling grape juice and cider and had our last big celebration before life began again. I never imagined having so much fun on such a quick trip, but being in the presence of happy people will do that to you.

The drive home was pretty great as well. It included a lot of rest stops, a few major detours, and a search for ZONA tanks in every little Indian shop we could find. Like I said before, we took two vehicles. Each vehicle was given a battery powered walkie talkie in order for us to communicate when stops were needed and to talk to everyone while separated into two cars. One particular detour was taken because of me and my vehicle. We kept passing by these signs that said “EXPERIENCE THE IMPACT” and then they listed a radio station. Obviously after the fourth sign we passed we decided to turn on the radio. There was a man speaking and he kept saying “EXPERIENCE THE IMPACT”. Apparently there is a really big crater somewhere in the state of Arizona. My vehicle decided that we also wanted to experience the impact – so we turned off the freeway and the Golf followed. To our discontent, the crater was actually nine miles off the main road but we finally arrived. Turns out, it costs $17 a person to see this super huge amazing crater. WHAT?! Unfortunately $17 was not in our budget and we had to get back into the vehicles and turn around. Serves me right for trying to make a rash decision during a 17 hour road trip. A 17 hour road trip that really turned into 19.

All in all, we made it home safely and had a blast. I hope another trip similar to this happens again soon. I miss my bratz, but it’s comforting to know they’ll always be there, even through a really competitive game of Nertz.

IMG_2013 2IMG_2040IMG_2042IMG_2168 2Cheyn, why is this the only pic I have of you alone? Sorry!


That’s all the Zona Bratz I have for you. It’s been fun reminiscing!

See you soon,
The Jaderstons

Love, The Jaderstons
