Christmas in Photos

I know, it’s New Years Eve. I definitely feel the pressure to do a year in review post, but I don’t want to do that before I talk about Christmas! Everything would be out of order… and if I don’t share Christmas now, I will probably never get around to it.


So Christmas it is!

We had a wonderful Christmas season.

I didn’t take too many photos because I really tried to unplug and just be in the moment this year. I did take a few (just enough) to give you a little peak into how we spent our time.

IMG_5671We started the Christmas season with family at the Transiberian Orchestra. Whoa. It was so exciting!

I hand addressed our Christmas cards. It was a labor of love – and next year I plan on having them preprinted. But it was fun sitting and reflecting on all our family and friends that were on our list. Can’t help but feel #blessed.

Gingerbread houses at “work”

Another labor of love this holiday season was these precious vests I made for Alf and his friends, Boo and Leia. I had so much fun creating these and they turned out so cute!

Christmas Eve Eve was a late night wrapping presents. And ever since my sleep schedule has been a little wacky. Ooops!IMG_5786
My in laws’ home – all decorated for Christmas – and Leia showing off her new outfit.IMG_5792

We spent Christmas Eve at my in laws and Christmas day at my parents. It’s such a gift having both of our families so close. Also, how dreamy was their Christmas setup? The girls all got footy pajamas to relax in and we spent lots of time outside. Warmer Christmas Eves are hard to come by so we soaked it up.

I didn’t take any photos at my parents’ house, but I also hardly pulled my phone out all day. We spent the morning opening presents, we shared a big meal for lunch and the afternoon and evening was spent relaxing with each other with the occasional Super Mario battle in the mix.

The day after Christmas we headed to sunny Arizona and we got home this afternoon!

It was wonderful. The perfect way to end 2014!

Happy Day!

Love, The Jaderstons
