On Wednesday we did some sightseeing.
Our three destinations were Montezuma Castle, Montezuma Well, and the Grand Canyon. I am splitting up the Montezuma’s from the Grand Canyon because of how many photos I want to share so come back tomorrow if you want to see our photos from the Grand Canyon.
We started at Montezuma Castle (about an hour from where we are staying). And for the record I pronounced it Montezoomee’s all day. I don’t know why, but I had fun doing it.

Boys in the front, girls in the back! We came to Arizona with my longtime friend Cady and her husband Eric. They’re pretty fun.

It was incredible. If you are ever in the area (Camp Verde/Scottsdale) and you have some time you should definitely check this out. It was $5 per person, but so worth it.
On our way in we talked with a park ranger who made the comment that since we’re here we should also go to Montezuma Well because “you definitely want to see that”. It was only four more miles further so we accepted her challenge. Her name was Ann. She deserves a big thank you.

I feel like we learned so much at this location. The park ranger here was also very informative. I didn’t realize that natural wells even existed, but over 1 million gallons of water a day flows continuously into the well and it’s more than 120 feet deep. It’s such a rare habitat that you can find creatures in the well that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. Ann was right, this was a must see.

After the well we headed to the grand canyon – a two and a half hour drive through the mountains and the valleys and the plains and the forests. Arizona is a place of many landscapes.
Check back in tomorrow for the GRAND CANYON!!
Happy Day!