Jaderston Baby: 17 Weeks!
How far along: 17 weeks! and finally (kind of) a bump!
How big is baby: About the size of an onion… 5.1 inches long and weighs 5.9 ounces!
Gender: We will be finding out around 22 weeks!
Movement: I did feel some movement (I think) last week! It’s very subtle and it doesn’t happen very often. I usually only notice it when I’ve been still for a long time. It’s so exciting and I can’t wait to start feeling it more frequently.
Sleep: Still sleeping great! I didn’t take the sleeping pill with vitamin B6 one night last week and regretted it badly the next day. For whatever reason that combination of medicine really does lessen the morning sickness. I’ve gotten frustrated with the sleeping pill because it requires at least 12 hours of sleep before I feel like a human again, we’ve started cutting it into fourths instead of halves and that seems to make a good difference.
Symptoms: Still sick occasionally, bloating, hungry more frequently and a broader appetite. I’ve had a pretty good week though in terms of sickness.
Cravings/Aversions: Craving pickles (this makes me laugh a lot) and hating chicken. I always get it in my chipotle bowl and I had to pick it out last week. Blegh.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my normal clothes. I did go shopping last week for some maternity tanks because they’ve been highly recommended and came home with lots of good deals from Target.
Workouts: Umm no. But another weekend at camp for the high school retreat felt like a workout. Does that count? Hopefully this week…
Nursery: No progress. I started doing a little research yesterday afternoon though and got very overwhelmed…
Mike: He’s ready to feel the baby move too. He gets so excited when I tell him I think I feel it moving.
Missing anything: Nope!
Looking forward to most: Probably for more consistent movement and for Mike to feel it too. I’m also getting excited to figure out the gender – just a few more weeks!
Worries/Concerns: Last week I shared about my thyroid levels and thankfully my appointment with the endocrinologist was a breeze. I’ve started taking medication and will continue to see the specialist throughout pregnancy but thankfully it’s nothing to be too concerned with.
Announcement | 15 weeks | 16 weeks
Happy Day!