Dwayne Henry: 11 Months Old
Oh man, 11 months is F U N!
Dwayne is eating so well. He eats all sorts of solid foods now and per the pediatricians instruction he’s still nursing/having a bottle 7 times a day. I attempted to reintroduce dairy again last week on vacay and it did not go as planned – it did go better than last time though so progress!
Right now in this moment sleep is optional at our house. But give us a few days and more time away from dairy and I think we’ll be back to sometimes sleeping through the night and sometimes waking just once to eat. I’m hopeful. And delerious.
I feel like I’ve been saying this for months but he is SO close to walking. He has taken one step, one time that we know of. He plays peek-a-boo, shows us he’s “so big”, rolls it all the time, dances, and giggles constantly. He’s a really happy baby and we feel so blessed by his good mood. Even though he isn’t walking yet he still gets around really quick.
We made this video for a giveaway on instagram a few weeks back, but since we didn’t win the random drawing I’m just happy we have this sweet memory of how Dwayne got around as a baby.
As I type this we are less than a month away from having a 1 year old! This is another one of those “I can’t believe it, but it’s definitely been longer than that” moments. We are so blessed by this little boy in our lives and we love watching him grow.
Thanks for following along!
Happy Day!
April 22, 2017 @ 9:50 PM
I loved watching the video of his special crawling style! So cute and very speedy!
May 1, 2017 @ 11:00 AM
Yes, he is so fast! I think that’s why he doesn’t want to walk – nothing is faster than the bear crawl!