Day three was our last day in New York and it was only a half day. My dad, Mike and I were headed home that afternoon. On Thursday evening we were sitting at the hotel bar talking about all the things we were wanting to do that weekend and the new world trade center was brought up. My mom looked into it on her phone and sure enough, it was opening to the public the next morning! We decided that it would be worth it to fit it in on Sunday morning before the three of us went to the airport.

We were able to visit the observation floor on the third day that it was open to the public. And it was

It’s set up in reservations. We got online and signed up for the 9:00 reservation on Sunday morning. They suggest arriving 15 minutes before your reservation.

They take everyone from the slotted reservation time all at once so the line moved really quickly. The wait time was maybe 6-7 minutes? Can’t complain about that.

This isn’t a great photo, but when you get through security they have an electronic wall that shows the stats of the building so far. We were in the first 25,000 people to visit the observatory! That seems impossible to me but the timing of our trip was accidentally perfect.

The design was very futuristic. I would love to go through again and really take my time to soak everything in, but they bus you to the elevators pretty quickly so not sure if that’s even a possibility.
The elevators take you up 104 floors in 60 seconds.
I don’t have any photos of the elevators, but they were also incredible. The walls are electronic screens and you watch New York being built all around you. Again…
You step out onto the 104th floor and you go through a little presentation. Then they open the doors to the cafe and the observation floor. Its two floors down from where the presentation is though. They give you a little tease of the views, but it gets so much better once you get to the actual observation floor.

The views were unbelievable. I personally felt that the views were better than the Empire State Building. The observation deck is about 20 floors higher than the Empire State Building and it’s completely enclosed with floor to ceiling windows. Seriously unbelievable.
And just like that we were at the ground level again.
We walked through the twin towers memorial afterwards. I had never seen them completed so that was a great experience too. 

And we were on our way..
We walked down to Wall Street, saw this funny form of marketing, caught the train to Grand Central Station, walked back to the hotel to pack, caught a cab to the airport and then waited for 8+ hours for our flight to get delayed and then rerouted to Houston because of weather.

All of this to say, if you’re heading to NYC in the future, the One World Observatory is worth every penny.
And that wraps up our trip to NYC!
We packed in so much stuff in such little time, but so far that’s the only way we know how to do NYC. Maybe next time we’ll treat it as an actual vacation.. Maybe.
Happy Day!