Recovering My Dining Room Chairs
Mike and I inherited a great dining table set from my parents when we got married. It was the table they bought when they first got married. It is still in great condition, but not really our style. Sorry Momma!
How to Recover a Dining Room Chair
Thus begins the process of recovering them. We bought our fabric at Hobby Lobby (the closest craft store to our location) and it was on SALE. I decided to go the “trendy” route because I fell in love with this green chevron and couldn’t find anything that stuck out to me like this did. No worries though, it’s super easy to recover a chair so if it goes out of style in the next five years? I’ll change it again for about $8.
Next, I unscrewed the seat from the chair…
I then pulled out the 58,000 staples that my mom secured the old fabric with… I used a very small flathead screwdriver and it worked well enough. It took about 20 minutes to get them all out so this was the most time consuming part. Note: you could skip this step if you are covering a light fabric with a darker one and just attach the new right on top of the old.
After this I put on my great new sweat pants that Mike came home with. He’s really a man after my own heart – sweatpants are my love language.
I measured the seat and cut out my fabric. I also ironed my fabric so it would lay super flat. Then came my new staple gun! I got this gun from Amazon and I love it! It fits great in my small hands and isn’t hard to push.
So I staple. Staple. Staple. Fold over. Staple. Staple. Staple. Reattach to the chair and…
WOOHOO! I love my new chair! Now I need to repeat this 5 more times and I’ll be done! I’m thankful for half days of school and the motivation to finally get this project started. I’m a little nervous that I don’t have enough fabric but I’ll deal with that when the time comes.
That’s all for now. I think we might be headed to Colorado for Spring Break!
The Jaderstons
March 8, 2013 @ 3:44 PM
Love it! I have been wanting to recover mine for a while.. Might have to borrow your gun.
March 8, 2013 @ 3:48 PM
Great Sweats!!!!!!!!!! Love the chair too. 🙂
March 9, 2013 @ 3:41 AM
Great Job! Love the pattern you chose.