Did you know that H&M has a “home” section???? I didn’t know until a couple weeks ago when I was browsing online for pillows for our living room and BAM! This is probably old news to online shoppers, but for this newbie decorator I really felt like I hit the jackpot.
I spent significantly too long browsing through their pillows (and decor) and ended up filling up my shopping cart to the brim. Thankfully the common sense and financial saver in me raised its red flag and I narrowed it down to three things.

Two pillow cases and a storage bin for blankets! And slowly but surely our living room is getting more character.

The storage bin sits next to our TV stand which desperately needs love or replaced? Still trying to decide if I want the handy husband to build me something or if I should repurpose this one. Thoughts?

The empty pillow cases will eventually end up on our couch – but first I need to find pillows at the right price.

That is the extent of decorating that has happened in our home this summer… Online shopping and shipped to my front door! It’s the easiest way to decorate when there just isn’t time.
But I am so pleased with this order. The quality is great and the price was right.
Happy Day!