All of me hoped that we wouldn’t make it this far… but every morning I wake up, still pregnant and more uncomfortable than ever. So here is my 41 week update (filled with sarcasm) without a fancy photo because I did that for 40 weeks and that’s enough 😉
How far along: 41 weeks
How big is baby: BIG. Full grown. Human.
Gender: It’s a BOY
Movement: Yes. Paying close attention to his movements and he’s moving lots still.
Sleep: I’m barely sleeping. Anticipation is at an all time high and comfortable positions no longer exist.
Symptoms: Swelling. Exhaustion. Pain. Waddle.
Pelvic Pain: The pain is back in full force. This baby just needs to come out I think.
Labor signs: Not so much. I have lots of braxton hicks? But nothing real. Gonna be pregnant for.ev.er.
Maternity clothes: Yes…
Workouts: Ha. Hahahaha
We are trying to walk as much as possible but it hurts and it’s hard.
Nursery: No change.. It’s ready. We’re ready. Everything is ready except the baby.
Mike: He’s ready! Every morning we wake up and realize that the baby didn’t attempt to arrive and we both kinda deflate. We’re enjoying this time together though and it’s very happy and light hearted at our house (except when it’s not because HORMONES). It’s been a very sweet few weeks with him.
Missing anything: I can’t even begin to answer this question.
Best part of the week: Mike and I had lots of quality time this week which I LOVE.
Looking forward to most: Baby’s arrival! COME ON BABY!
Worries/Concerns: Obviously, we were hoping to have a baby before we had to talk induction with our doctor. The baby has other plans and that’s ok. I am still hopeful to put off induction for a few more days because a few more days won’t kill me as long as baby is healthy. Please pray for our appointment today – that it would go well and that much needed conversations will go smoothly.
Also, thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. We are so grateful for your thoughts and prayers as we wait for baby.
41 weeks! It’s a post-shower, mirror pic where I intentionally hide my face..

We enjoyed a fun date night to El Agave this week! We also kept up with our weekly Cracker Barrel tradition and we attempted to make our own Cracker Barrel pancakes on Sunday night. It was a success!

Alf has been taking lots of naps at my side. We’ve been taking walks often and it wears him out! As the baby’s arrival gets closer he gets more and more protective of me and he’s always very aware of where I’m at. He’s the sweetest and I’m so excited to see this puppy become a “big brother”.
That’s all for 41 weeks! Thanks for going through this whole pregnancy journey with us!

Announcement | 15 weeks | 16 weeks | 17 weeks

18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks | 21 weeks | 22 weeks | 23 weeks

24 & 25 weeks | 26 weeks | 27 weeks | 28 weeks | 29 weeks

30 weeks | 31 weeks | 32 weeks | 33 weeks | 34 weeks | 35 weeks
36 weeks | 37 weeks | 38 weeks | 39 weeks | 40 weeks