Life Lately
Well summer is quickly slipping away from us and I have been taking a step back from the blog for travel and crazy busy reasons. We are prepping to leave town for a few weeks, but I plan on scheduling some wedding posts so you’ll still get some love.
1. Kickstarter Update
Okay, I shared last week this little project my family is passionate about (MOXI Junction) and I challenged you to share my post on FB and other social medias. Thank you for sharing! We are getting much closer to the goal (Kickstarter)! So, if you haven’t pledged yet, I challenge you again to go pledge just $5 because every penny counts. Thanks!
2. Friends and Family
My little sister worked at Westminster Woods this summer and we went out in mid-June to visit her for an evening. The staff this year was so fun and it was so great getting that little bit of time with her.
Aren’t they funny?
3. Alfred Update
Alfie is doing great! I’m a little nervous about leaving him for two weeks at the end of July, but he did great while we were in Minnesota so that’s a win!
This is how he waits for his food and water – he kicks his bowls around too if he’s out of water. It’s pretty funny.
Sometimes he’ll beg to go outside when it’s raining and this is where he goes. He just sits in the dry spot and watches the rain.
We’ve also learned this summer that Alfie is afraid of frogs. Here is a great little clip of him freaking out the first time he saw a frog. Hilarious.
4. Outings
We went to a wedding a few weeks ago and we also played in a golf tournament!
We had so much fun golfing and so much fun celebrating our friends Conner and Gracie.
5. Minnesota and our Anniversary
We spent the fourth of July in Minnesota with family. It was so great to get even more time with Mike’s family this year. These are the few photos that I took of the weekend. We spent a lot of time outside – on jetskis, in the sun, by the fire, playing games – and it was such a good break from the real world.
Matt and Betsy drove up the day before we did so I was pretty excited to be reunited with them.
This is me taking a picture of Betsy taking a picture of the other car in our caravan. LOL
We celebrated the July birthdays while at the cabin – Happy Birthday!
My watch died while in Minnesota. Too many times in the lake I guess, but Mike surprised me on our anniversary with a brand new one. It felt a little bit like Christmas.
Here are the other fun surprises Mike brought home.
Approximately two years ago Mike and I were honeymooning at the cabin so it was fun to be there again around the same time. We snapped a photo on our honeymoon and then snapped a similar one this trip. Both in Gander Mountain while shopping for some fishing stuff. We haven’t changed much!
I might be back later this week, or I might be back next week with a scheduled project post. We leave for camp on Wednesday evening. Happy Tuesday!