Jaderston Baby: 34 Weeks!
How far along: 34 weeks
How big is baby: About the size of a butternut squash
Gender: It’s a BOY
Movement: Yes lots of movement. His space is getting smaller so his movements are changing. He does a lot more stretching movements than jabbing ones if that makes sense. Mike was able to feel his foot this week. It was so cool but so strange. I do enjoy experiencing all these things with Mike by my side.
Sleep: Still sleeping good. I really don’t know how that’s happening. I am more uncomfortable at night now than I’ve ever been but I sleep and I sleep for long stretches so I’m not complaining about that one bit.
Symptoms: So exhausted. My body is definitely getting tired of this whole being pregnant thing. I’ve had more rib pains this week and I strained some muscles around my ribcage which is pretty painful. My biggest symptom is exhaustion though. I know part of it is pregnancy and that my body is changing and growing in ways it never has before, but this week has been tough. I’ve had to confront some very hard things emotionally and admit to needing help, support, and prayers, which is never easy. I am weary. I am tired. and I am ready for this baby.
My response right now when anyone brings up the pregnancy and how “close” we are to meeting this baby is we’ll get there. Because we will. The time will come for us to meet this boy, but we aren’t there yet and we need prayers to get us through the now.
Pelvic Pain: The pain comes and goes as expected. Some days are manageable and others are more difficult. I still see the chiropractor weekly and definitely attribute my progress to her. We’ll get there.
Labor signs: No labor signs, but braxton hicks occasionally.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing particular. Still love fruit and ice cold water.
Maternity clothes: Yep!
Workouts: No workouts due to pain.
Nursery: No progress. I took 4 loads of things downstairs this week. 4 was my goal. There are probably 24 more to go. We’ll get there.
Mike: He is busy but doing good. He goes back to his doctor on Monday and we’re hoping and praying the doctor says he can start putting some weight on his leg again. With everything going on with this pregnancy I am so so grateful for Mike and the support he’s been to me. I know it is so hard on him to watch me hurt and to not be able to do anything about it but he loves me so well and has never left my side. I couldn’t do this without him.
Missing anything: Missing lots of things. I know that becoming a parent changes you and I’ll never be the same “me” that I once was, but I miss not feeling like myself. We’ll get there.
Best part of the week: Mike and I started a Friday morning breakfast tradition and I really enjoy that time with him. Any time with Mike is great, but it’s even sweeter as we get closer to the due date.
Looking forward to most: Being a moment, day, week closer to our due date. Can you tell I’m ready for this baby?
Worries/Concerns: We are so thankful that the baby is healthy and the doctor says everything looks great. I am weary and sick of being pregnant, but we’ll get there. Please pray with me. Pray that the Lord will carry me through these last long weeks of waiting for this baby.
Announcement | 15 weeks | 16 weeks | 17 weeks
18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks | 21 weeks | 22 weeks | 23 weeks
24 & 25 weeks | 26 weeks | 27 weeks | 28 weeks | 29 weeks
30 weeks | 31 weeks | 32 weeks | 33 weeks