Jaderston Baby: 30 Weeks!


How far along: 30 weeks! Only ten weeks to go!

How big is baby: About the size of a cabbage… 16-17 inches long and weighs about 3 lbs. Baby will be packing on pounds from here on out so I will stop estimating size until he arrives.

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Movement: Yes! He gets wiggly when I lay on my left side but I feel him so much more during the day now than I used to. He has random bouts of movement and I love feeling him more often. I wouldn’t say he’s super active though – maybe he’s starting to run out of room. I know I feel like he’s running out of room but hello ten more weeks…

Sleep: Still sleeping great! I am usually sleeping through the night with no interruptions. This last week with Mike’s surgery hasn’t been as restful because I worry about him and that wakes me up (not that he needs to be worried for – I just don’t want him to have pain). Since I’ve been awake more often for pain medication reminders, I do get up for potty breaks because I’m more aware of my full bladder.

Symptoms: The congestion has gotten a lot better the last couple days. I almost feel like I have my non-pregnant nose back! With the loss of congestion (praise the Lord) the exhaustion came back with a vengeance. I think I am back to a 9:00 pm bedtime when possible and I could sleep until 11:00 am if I let myself. Thank goodness sleep is still coming pretty easy because I really need it.

Pelvic Pain: I figured since this has been such an ongoing thing – and since I don’t see it going away anytime soon – I thought it deserved its own category. This last weekend was one of my worst in terms of pain. There were moments when every step felt like someone was kicking me hard in the groin after I rode a horse for the day. It was so frustrating because I had three days caring for Mike post-surgery alone and those were easily my worst days. I don’t know if the anticipation of being alone with him made it worse or if it was just coincidental, but it was not fun. I so badly wanted to just serve him but my limitations prevented me from doing what I thought would have been best. This pregnancy pain is really testing me. I am doing everything I can with hoops of fire from insurance to get into a chiropractor that specializes in pregnancy and pelvic pain. I am praying that by my next update I will have some good news.

Labor signs: Is it really time for this category?? My doctor has started asking me this question every two weeks so I suppose it’s time. I am having no labor signs – ha!

Cravings/Aversions: All food sounds good all.the.time (except chicken) and fresh fruit is my favorite. I am also still craving poptarts – specifically strawberry ones. I am trying really hard to keep my nutrition content HIGH through these last few weeks. I want to put the best foods into my body even though my brain is begging me for poptarts and ice cream.

Maternity clothes: Yep! Some of my comfiest clothes are not maternity though. My weekend outfit consists of sweatpants and my SC warriors medium shirts. AKA: the outfit pictured above. They are loose enough that they don’t bother my stomach but long enough that I still feel comfortable and modest. Comfy over cute fo’ sure.

Workouts: No workouts and have been told very strictly from my doctor and physical therapist to take it easy. I am “exercising” though if you call my 3-5 minutes a day of PT homework exercising. I’m just grateful to be triggering muscles again and to hopefully be triggering the right muscles to help with the pain.

Nursery: Grandma and Grandpa Jaderston are here this week and grandpa is setting up our new dresser as I type this! I am so excited to have at least on piece of furniture assembled and ready in there. We picked a large dresser that will also double as a changing table for the first year and it will grow with this little baby and any future children we have. I am so excited to start making progress.

Mike: He is officially in recovery mode! Surgery went so well and he is handling the pain and recovery like a champ. I hate seeing him so immobile and I know he is itching out of his skin but I am so relieved that the surgery is past and recovery has started. He has been so sweet to me this week with my pain and limitations and so understanding when it takes me a little longer than usual to refill his ice chest. We have been so blessed by the people around us during this time too. We’ve had meals provided, he was able to borrow crutches, and his polar pack (the ice pack he needs) was also borrowed so we didn’t have to put a lot of money into one. I am feeling so grateful for our church community this week, by their generosity and their prayers.

Missing anything: Being pain free. Yep.

Best part of the week: We had lots of time with Mike’s family this weekend which was really nice. I also loved the time Mike and I had just the two of us right before he went into surgery. I am cherishing our one on one time so much more these days.

Looking forward to most: Next Monday. Mike has his follow up appointment with the surgeon and it will mean the retreat weekend that’s ahead of us now will be behind us and I won’t have to worry as much about Mike pushing it too hard.

Worries/Concerns: Everything with baby is right on track and looking good! I really would love to get into a chiropractor this week. Hopefully my appointment with my primary care doctors office will get me headed in that direction. I am worried about the pain a little bit too. It’s getting worse and almost unbearable which makes me nervous for the next 10 weeks.

4-17 weeks

Announcement | 15 weeks  | 16 weeks | 17 weeks

18-23 weeks

18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks | 21 weeks | 22 weeks | 23 weeks

24-29 weeks

24 & 25 weeks | 26 weeks | 27 weeks | 28 weeks | 29 weeks

30 weeks

Love, The Jaderstons
