Jaderston Baby: 28 Weeks!
How far along: 28 weeks! Hello 3rd trimester!
How big is baby: About the size of an eggplant… 14.8 inches long and weighs about 2.2 lbs.
Gender: It’s a BOY! This is still so hard to believe.
Movement: Yes. Lots of movement! So many kicks and flips and turns. I love it.
Sleep: Still sleeping great! I feel so lucky to still be sleeping well. I think it helps that I have always been a side sleeper so that is naturally really comfortable. I still have congestion waking me up and I’d be even more comfortable if I could breathe through my nose but I cannot complain one bit.
Symptoms: Congestion, lower back pain, pubic pain, light-headedness, and hungry often. My skin has also started to itch on my tummy. I wear maternity tanks under my work clothes and when I get home they have to come off immediately and I put on something loose (usually a tshirt of Mike’s). The loose clothes don’t irritate my skin as much as the snug stuff.
My lower back pain/pelvic pain is seemingly more manageable the last couple days. I feel more mobile than I’ve been in months. I am still having bad pain often, but also am grateful for a few moments of relief.
Cravings/Aversions: Lately everything has been sounding good (except chicken). I am trying to eat smaller more frequent meals and definitely am hungry WAY more than I’ve ever been. And I only want my water cold.
Maternity clothes: Yes and no. I am mixing and matching but I am mostly in maternity only shirts.
Workouts: No workouts and have been told very strictly from my doctor and physical therapist to take it easy. I am “exercising” though if you call my 3-5 minutes a day of PT homework exercising. I’m just grateful to be triggering muscles again and to hopefully be triggering the right muscles to help with the pain.
Nursery: Well, I think I’ve actually made some progress this week. I threw away two big boxes of junk and have another big box of stuff to take to goodwill from the future nursery. We still have a LONG way to go in this room but I’m excited to have it started. I can definitely tell that my “nesting” intuition is starting to kick in. I am organizing all the things and really really wanna get my house to its most functional before the baby comes.
Mike: He is fighting a cold this week which is always a bummer. He has a big youth event on Friday evening and then next week he is having knee surgery. I am trying to soak up all the mobile Mike time before he’s out of commission and on crutches for 6-8 weeks. That means lots of furniture moving and shopping is happening now. He so sweetly agreed to make a trip to IKEA last weekend and he’s been so helpful at setting our new furniture up. We had a lot of fun in KC for the day and got to enjoy one of our favorite foods/restaurants, Pepperjax. I love having whole days with him with no interruptions.
Missing anything: Nothing major. I am so happy to finally be in the final stretch of pregnancy.
Best part of the week: Our trip to KC was pretty great.
Looking forward to most: We have some friends coming to stay with us this weekend! It’s gonna be a wild time of food and board games. I cannot wait.
Worries/Concerns: None! I had my glucose test this week (and it was delicious – I am one of those) and haven’t heard anything yet. They said it could be a few days though. Doctor said everything is looking great!
Announcement | 15 weeks | 16 weeks | 17 weeks
18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks | 21 weeks | 22 weeks | 23 weeks
24 & 25 weeks | 26 weeks | 27 weeks
January 27, 2016 @ 7:27 AM
Love your “maternity” shirt. CAbi would be proud.
January 27, 2016 @ 11:32 AM
Haha yes! I think this is my last week to be wearing it for awhile. It was pretty snug around the belly.