Jaderston Baby: 23 Weeks!


How far along: 23 weeks!

How big is baby: About the size of a grapefruit… 11.4 inches long and weighs 1.1 lb. A pound!

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Movement: I am confidently feeling movement everyday now! It is very exciting times. Yesterday morning I woke up to movement on both sides of my stomach – baby aerobics was definitely happening.

Sleep: Still sleeping great. I no longer take the unisom/vitamin b6 combo and I love sleeping for 10+ hours. I am mostly comfortable on my sides and have lots of pain when I roll over.

Symptoms: Pelvic pain, lower back pain, and occasional morning sickness. Lots of congestion too. And my belly button is starting to poke out – this isn’t really a symptom but I thought it should be noted.

Cravings/Aversions: Still don’t enjoy chicken but can take the occasional bite. I am still craving pickles, fresh fruit, and cheeseburgers (Freddy’s California style). I definitely have my appetite back but there is limited room in the stomach and I get uncomfortably full very quickly.

Maternity clothes: I have one pair of maternity jeans and one pair of maternity leggings – other than that I am making my existing wardrobe work.

Workouts: Pelvic pain makes moving around/walking around/being on my feet nearly impossible. So no workouts. Taking it easy at all times.

Nursery: Still no progress… someday!

Mike: He has been busy with work and preparing for the holidays. Youth group ended a couple weeks ago and he has a solid month off from that but he’s also preparing for seminary in January and some vacation before that. I’m excited for Christmas to have lots of time with him. He’s felt the baby move a few more times too.

Missing anything: Being active. Pelvic pain is no joke and very annoying.

Looking forward to most: Christmas!

Worries/Concerns: None! I am anxiously awaiting my physical therapy appointment for the pelvic pain. Until then I will be taking life extra easy. Lots of rest time for me.

4-17 weeks

Announcement | 15 weeks  | 16 weeks | 17 weeks

18-23 weeks

18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks | 21 weeks | 22 weeks

Love, The Jaderstons
