Jaderston Baby: 21 Weeks!
How far along: 21 weeks!
How big is baby: About the size of a pomegranate… 10.5 inches long and weighs 12.7 oz…
Gender: It’s a BOY! Come back tomorrow to see the full gender reveal – but we are just elated!
Movement: Baby is definitely moving but I still cannot feel it consistently and not with a lot of confidence. When I was at Target last weekend I had a bag of frozen fruit laying on my belly and I felt baby definitely kick – hard. It was the first kick that I knew was a kick with confidence. Nothing since. Baby just likes to keep me guessing.
Sleep: Still sleeping great! Thanks to my 1/4 sleeping pill and vitamin B6 combination. Having a harder time getting comfortable and rolling over is no joke when mixed with pelvic pain but still sleeping and I’m grateful for that.
Symptoms: Lots of pelvic pain and lower back pain. I’m also still very congested first thing in the morning. I am starving often, but can only eat small portions or I feel like I might implode. Oh joy.
Cravings/Aversions: Chicken = blegh. Loving fresh fruits and veggies, pickles, iced tea, and cold water. I also am experiencing weird tongue reactions to foods with sugar in them. My tongue tastes weird afterward and I can’t get rid of it for hours. It’s annoying.
Maternity clothes: Mixing maternity and regular. I have two pairs of leggings that are comfortable (aka not too tight on my stomach) and those are the only “pants” I’m wearing until my Old Navy order arrives on Friday. Praying my new jeans fit comfortably.
Workouts: Pelvic pain makes moving around/walking around/being on my feet nearly impossible.
Nursery: No progress, but we did think about registering last weekend. We didn’t actually register, but it’s the thought that counts, yes?
Missing anything: Being active. Pelvic pain is no joke and very annoying.
Looking forward to most: My work Christmas party this weekend and then the weekend with Mike!
Worries/Concerns: None! Constantly praying for less pelvic pain but I am learning that this is just part of the pregnancy package.
Announcement | 15 weeks | 16 weeks | 17 weeks
18 weeks | 19 weeks | 20 weeks