Jaderston Baby: 19 Weeks!


How far along: 19 weeks!

How big is baby: About the size of a mango… 6.0 inches long and weighs 8.5 oz…

Gender: We will be finding out next week at our sonogram! So excited!

Movement: Baby is definitely moving around but I am not feeling it often. Occasionally I think that maybe (???) I feel it? Clearly not with a lot of confidence.

Sleep: Still sleeping great! Thanks to my 1/4 sleeping pill and vitamin B6 combination.

Symptoms: I have had lots of pain this week. Pelvic pain to be more precise. I guess since baby is still tucked in there and growing quickly.. there just isn’t enough room and ouch! It makes walking difficult at times but it’s worst when I go from sitting to standing. I’d take this over throwing up though (which only happened once this week)! I caught a cold over the weekend too which has masked any other symptoms I’m having I think.

Cravings/Aversions: Still hating chicken but can eat most other meat. I am loving carrots, potatoes, apples, mangos, pears, clementines and any other fresh fruits that go on sale at the store. I could live on cold fruit and french fries. Not kidding.

Maternity clothes: Still in my regular clothes but my jeans are getting tighter and I’m more comfortable in sweat pants or leggings but that is always the case. I might order some maternity jeans on black Friday/cyber Monday if I find a good deal.

Workouts: Still no. Not much activity for me with the pelvic pain but I did put up the christmas tree last night by myself and I think that’s enough activity for the next few weeks.

Nursery: No progress this week.

Mike: He’s doing great! Work and tennis are keeping him busy but that doesn’t stop him from taking care of me when I’m hurting or not feeling well. He’s the sweetest – constantly asking me if I need anything or if I wanna take more tylenol for the pain. Love him so much.

Missing anything: Nope!

Looking forward to most: Thanksgiving food and a sonogram next week!

Worries/Concerns: I am a little concerned about the pelvic pain but I know it’s just part of it. We’re almost halfway there!

4-17 weeks18-19 weeks

Announcement | 15 weeks  | 16 weeks | 17 weeks | 18 weeks

Love, The Jaderstons
