Jaderston Baby: 18 weeks!


How far along: 18 weeks! And I learned at my appointment on Monday that my “bump” is not baby. Baby is still tucked nicely in my pelvis… Yay for baby bloat!

How big is baby: About the size of a sweet potato… 5.6 inches long and weighs 6.7 ounces!

Gender: We will be finding out around 22 weeks!

Movement: Baby is definitely moving around but I rarely feel it. I am not convinced anymore that what I feel is actually movement. Dr. said it could still be a few weeks.

Sleep: Still sleeping great! Thanks to my 1/4 sleeping pill and vitamin B6 combination.

Symptoms: Still nauseous occasionally, bloating, hungry more frequently and I have a broader appetite. I didn’t throw up this week! It’s my first week since week 5 to be vomit free. I could scream out of gratefulness.

Cravings/Aversions: Still liking pickles and hating chicken. I am also loving carrots, apples, mangos, pears, and any other fresh fruits that go on sale at the store. I could live on cold fruit and french fries. Not kidding.

Maternity clothes: Still in my clothes. Loving the maternity tanks I got last week though. They’re so comfortable. I will wear them for the rest of forever.

Workouts: Umm no? I thought about it a few times though. Does that count?

Nursery: No progress this week.

Mike: He was so happy to get a good report from the doctor on Monday. We are both so excited to find out the gender in a few weeks too.

Missing anything: Nope!

Looking forward to most: Thanksgiving food!

Worries/Concerns: Nothing! Praise God.

4-17 weeks18 weeks

Announcement | 15 weeks  | 16 weeks | 17 weeks

Happy Day!

Love, The Jaderstons
