It’s me.
So quickly time passes on this little blog of mine without it being touched. I logged on today to realize that the site has been down because of a broken plugin. Days? Weeks? I’m unsure. I was still getting traffic recently so it couldn’t have been too long, but it tells the perfect story.
The blog isn’t a priority right now.
Keeping Dwayne alive is a priority though.
And my husband and our home.
My job and trying to take care of myself? They’re near the top of the list too.
When I think about this space – the space I used to (still do) love and crave – I get really sad. It’s proof that I’m not super woman. I’m not a person that can do it all. And I have to tell myself (constantly) that no one can because that’s what people around me say. No one can do it all.
So the blog is on pause. Until it’s not (like today) and then it pauses again.
But we’re good over here. Life is crazy good.
Fall is here and Dwayne is a full on hilarious toddler. Mike is traveling a lot these next few weeks which is exciting (and sometimes hard). Work is crazy busy for me too. We’re in the middle of another software conversion – yes, I said ANOTHER. My brother and sister in law are about to have another baby which means I’m gonna be an aunt AGAIN!
So much good happening in our family and the family that surrounds us.
Miss you blog, but I’d rather miss you than miss all the good happening right here under my nose.
Happy Day!
October 18, 2017 @ 7:16 AM
It’s fun seeing your blog again, and I understand (and agree) with your comments. God gives us seasons in our lives. You are following God’s priorities for this season of your life.
We were thrilled to meet Mike’s parents at the Sterling Scholarship Dinner. His father was one of the speakers. He shared about the importance of one-on-one relationships based on God’s love. It’s evident that you and Mike are living this out in your lives as you continue to keep your priorities in line with God’s will.
October 18, 2017 @ 9:42 PM
Love your blog, enjoy reading it, but I understand that you have your priorities right. You are on the right track, Kelsey. These days will soon pass so enjoy them. Great pictures – it was fun to see all of Dwayne’s expressions. Sure do miss you guys! Hope to see you this winter. That sounds so far away. Love to you all!
October 27, 2017 @ 9:55 AM
Thanks, grandma! Winter does seem far away but we’re already looking forward to it. 🙂