Friday Update
Hey friends.
Well this is the first time I’ve signed on to the blog since Sunday and thank you thank you thank you for all the support on my last post about social media. It is very clear that I am not alone in this and I would definitely encourage anyone who is on the fence about taking a break from the medias to DO IT. Even if just for a couple days.
The first 2 days were the most eye opening to me. I found myself BORED so often. I didn’t want to do the things I needed to do but I was so bored not being able to see what everyone else was doing.
I got so much done in the first two days that I know I wouldn’t have done if I’d been on social media. I also played a lot of Zelda… No one’s perfect.
But I did build this dresser for Mike. It’s an Ikea dresser so thank goodness I had all the time to dedicate to it or it would still be in a million pieces all over our bedroom.
I am six days into my “fast” and I have so many thoughts and feelings about it that I’m not even sure where to start.
One of the bigger things I’ve noticed is that I was using InstaStories to document our lives instead of taking pictures. Now, if you don’t know much about Instagram, the stories are little snippets that people can post about what’s going on at that exact moment. They disappear after 24 hours unless you save them to your phone.
I only save my favorites which is probably only 10% of the total stories I’ve posted. So I was documenting our lives but letting the memories disappear… #logical
This week, I’ve taken pictures! I don’t have the app on my phone so I’m not tempted to just video Dwayne being cute (#parentpride). I have actual memories that I can put in our yearly scrapbook. It makes me sad to think about how few photos I have of the last few months so I know this is a really good change.
Here are some of my favorites from this week:
We celebrated my nephew’s second birthday and in true Dwayne fashion he showed very little emotion during the overwhelming time in the bounce house. He would only smile when he was at the edges reaching for an adult.
I was working from home on Wednesday while Dwayne played behind me. I don’t always “watch” him but I do listen so I knew he was on the table but when I turned around I wasn’t expecting him to be reading a magazine. What a goof.
We went to the park last night as a family. Dwayne is still maybe a little young to really enjoy the park but he really loved climbing up the mini slide to the right. He would climb up, turn around, and scoot off. He’d also try to eat mulch.
Overall, it’s been a good week. This isn’t curing my of all anxiety but it is helping with putting my attention on my family. It’s bringing a little peace to the chaos.
Happy Day!
August 18, 2017 @ 2:32 PM
I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing the priceless pictures! So very proud of both you and Mike.
August 18, 2017 @ 5:39 PM
Thanks so much Carol. Hugs!
August 21, 2017 @ 4:58 AM
Being at church camp this week and no fb, email, etc. was great. I almost hated coming home and having to get on computer to take care of business. I agree with you. Miss that little guy. Love you folks!