Well this post is a little late since the weekend was 3 days ago, but I have a lot of things to share from this weekend that I don’t want to forget.
Our weekend started off with a date night to Red Lobster (Thanks Cassi for our giftcard – from Christmas) and a trip to Target to buy me a fitbit! I know I’ve shared my obsession with Argus, well I’m still obsessed but got frustrated with the whole having to carry my phone on my person at all times. So, we settled on this little Fitbit Zip. I love it – and it syncs up to Argus!

On Friday, Mike had another fun date day planned since we had such a crazy hectic rest of the weekend (more on that in a bit). So we went to the zoo! I got this photo of him on Thursday afternoon…

We had a blast – and here’s a picture of us with a giraffe to prove it.

Now for the rest of the weekend in photos?

Lots of puppy snuggles mixed in with a nap here or there. We had three dogs at our house for part of the weekend, wild times.
Katie loved playing with Boo dog and Alfred in the backyard.
I put Katie on the bus last week. I was sad she was leaving and then sad realizing that in a few short days she’ll be a 5th grader. Stop. Growing. Up.
We got a new rug last week. Boo boo loved it.
And we said goodbye to the little blue pig. He lasted much longer than we ever anticipated.
We also…
Saw old friends for dinner
Went on short walks with Katie and the pups
Got a tiny bit of rain – Praise God
Came home to a bag of oreos having been eaten and two dogs with no regrets
Cleaned up 10+ piles of throw up (thanks to the oreos)
Watched Pocohontas
Drove to the airport 4 times
and laughed a lot.
Here’s to great wetvacs, date days, and a little sister who loves ice cream more than any other 9 year old I know. It was a great weekend.
Love, The Jaderstons