This is post #5 in our wedding series. You can get updated on post #1 {here}, post #2 {here}, post #3 {here}, post #4 {here}.
If you went to Mike and I’s wedding you know exactly what I’m talking about… well at least I hope you know. These little paper flowers were the main event! (besides the bride and groom and our families I suppose) They lined the aisle, they were on the tables in the reception hall, they hung above the cake, and they were even scattered in the food line. I loved them and I still love them to this day. I’m thinking someday we will have a christmas tree made out of them because we have boxes of them left over. I didn’t exactly think of what to do with them after the wedding.
We made 100s. We had all sizes and all shapes (all shapes being two shapes – half sphere and sphere).

They were perfect. Wanna know how to make them?
Lucky for you, my mom and I made every single one… As I said before, 100s of paper flowers were all over our venues. Good news is they aren’t hard to make and not even that time consuming if you only need a couple.
Things you need:
– Paper of choice (any size as long as it can be cut into squares)
– Glue (We used Tacky Glue but regular liquid glue will get the job done)

– Clothespins (This made our process MUCH faster but not necessary if you’re only making a few)
Now for the mathematicians out there….
Each flower is made up of 5 squares.
Each sphere is made up of 12 flowers.
This means that you need (5 x 12) 60 squares in order to make (1) ONE flower ball.
Size can vary. I have made three sizes – 3″, 4″, and 6″.
Left: 3″ half sphere || Right: 4″ half sphere
Left: 3″ sphere || Middle: 4″ sphere || Right: 6″ sphere
This last photo is the 3″ square compared to the 4″ square
1st: Cut your paper to size. A paper cutter will help to get them perfect, but it is not necessary.
2nd: Fold your first pedal like so…

3rd: Glue each side of the pedal together. Be careful not to pinch the tip (unless you’re going for the pointed look).

4th: Repeat step 2 until you have 60 pedals – 30 if you want a half sphere – 5 if you want one flower

5th: Once all pedals are made it is time to glue the flower together

6th: Once you have all flowers glued together you can continue gluing to make a sphere. This is the step where I would recommend clothespins. They help keep the flowers together so you can set them down and walk away or work on folding other flowers.
And you’re done! If you’re crazy like me and want to decorate your wedding with these beautiful colorful balls, repeat 347 times… and then figure out what to do with them when the weddings is over. Oh, and share your ideas with me!

Good news is – after all that flower making I have definitely mastered this craft. If anyone needs me to whip up a flower or two just let me know. I charge $10 per pedal…. Yes, that’s $600 per ball… Ha! But seriously, if you really want me to make you some flowers? Email me: kelsey {at} and we’ll talk.
Have questions? Leave a comment!