First things first, sorry for my absence this last week. Mike and I are in recovery mode from his Middle School Retreat last weekend and now we’re gearing up for round two with high school this weekend! It’s been one of those weeks…
Here are just a few of the highlights of our life lately..
We had a couple 70 degree days and this is where you could find the pup every single one of those days. He loves the sun.
My mom came and sacrificed a day of time to help me FINISH the trim in our house. Everything is officially WHITE! A little more than a year after I started, we can finally say that this huge project is completed.
This little one was an artist in a wax museum last week. She did such a good job and I’m so glad I was able to sneak over and see her.
Alf and I shared lots of afternoon snuggles on the cold days.

Mike’s retreat! We had 96 middle schoolers out at the woods… How we all made it home alive? I’ll never know. But seriously, it was a wonderful weekend filled with lots of fun, lots of worship, and lots of learning.
Alf gets three appearances this week! We had a dryer repair man come on Monday and this is where Alf camped out. He was sure that he didn’t like him, but unsure of how close to him he could get. Half in – Half out was his solution. I thought it was adorable… but if you look closely you can see the terror in his eyes.
And that’s our life lately. A lot of the same and we really really like it that way. We’re still pushing through with our February Savings Challenge and things are going well! I’m also working on some February goals and brainstorming goals for March. I’ll be back next week with some more updates.
Happy Day!